Oh no wait...its okay...its just Maxim's sexiest woman in the world!! Yay! Isn't that nice?
Okay, I know what you're thinking. Poor, poor Eva Longoria. What, mean, foul, horrible person would be so inhumane to scoff at such remarkable beauty? Afterall, she is our role model! She is Maxim's sexiest woman in the world!!!
Sexiest woman in the world...let's take a look at who else is sexy.

Well, Pam Anderson sure has it going on!!! She's had the most covers of Playboy in history!

Mmmmm. And, look at Jennifer Lopez! Hot, hot, hot!!!
Doesn't this make you wonder why our views on beauty are so horrifyingly SKEWED?!? Need some more examples? How about you take Ms. America. She's lovely. She's smart. She probably doesn't know the name of the vice president. And, if you remember correctly, she got herself out of an inexcusable predicament lately by boo-hoo-ing and acting like a cute, dumb blonde. "Oh thank you, Donald Trump!!! Waahhh Wahhh WAHHHH!" Is this the person that is suppose to be the role model for girls in America? A pretty, artificial thing representing an unrealistic American ideal? Who needs smarts, after all, when you can just boo-hoo your way out of your own selfish, inappropriate actions?
A little while ago, I was watching the television and an announcer for some new "reality" show called Miss America "the ultimate honor." WHAT?!? AS OPPOSED TO DYING AT WAR?? AMERICA, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU!! Oh, and they always try to justify it: "Miss America has to be intelligent--the points are based off and interview and talent contest." You know, if we were trying to award intelligent, comprehensive, and talented girls, there wouldn't be a bikini contest.
The bikini contest. You know folks, back in middle school I was very involved in my county's livestock show. Its a Texas thing. Anyway, my project was raising lambs. What we would do was build the lambs up for months, pushing them to extremes to be healthy, have the exact proportions they needed of fat and muscle. Some people would inject them with "secret" formulas, which usually amounted to electrolytes and stimulants. It was nuts. Then, game day, we would lead our lambs around a ring, showcasing them. And the judges would study their muscles in their backs, abdominals, and hindquarters very closely, carefully choosing the best ones for market.
Does this remind you of unhealthy, scantily clad women showcasing themselves in front of judges? Have women really reversed themselves that far in history to where they are nothing but meat? And the one that is most heralded uses the fact that she's pretty to get out of crimes she has committed against her own country? WAKE, UP AMERICA! Underage drinking is against the AMERICAN law, and Miss AMERICA can't uphold to that standard. I say, take the crown and give it to someone else. And no, I don't mean some other bimbo with a generic body. Give it to someone who deserves it! And for heaven's sakes, stop sending our country back fifty years! In fact, why don't you just throw us into China during the time women would bind their feet for "beauty."
I'll tell ya who Miss America is! Its Condoleeza Rice. Its Nancy Pelosi! Its every single hard-working woman in the United States! Its women who make a difference in the country! Its single moms who still make every one of their kids' soccer games! Its real, beautiful women who care about the future of this great nation, not if they have a perfect amount of mascara on their eyelashes or silicon breasts.
And, the problem is YOU, America! Its you girls who cry all day just because you have a little bit too much fat on your hips or pudge on your stomaches! Or your boobs aren't big enough, hair not blond enough, ears not small enough. YOU ARE STUPID AND WEAK, SO GET A HOLD OF YOURSELVES! Yeah yeah, don't give me that--"It's not my fault, its men's fault for judging me!" BULLSHIT! If you are strong enough, you can come up with your own views on beauty! You have no obligation to America's ridiculous standards! Fight back! Stop letting men push you around. Stop trying to act like you want to be some slut on Girls Gone Wild. Because in reality, you have a brain. You are not weak. And, you don't have to hold up to America's ridiculous idealism.
As for you men! Shut the hell up!! "I like big titties!!" Yeah, well here's the truth: boobs are milk glands with lumps of fat covering them. Looking at fake women isn't art. Its immature and selfish. Stop whacking off and realize something: the women you see in magazines and videos are artificial. Their pictures are photoshopped. There faces and bodies are plastered with makeup. Eva Longoria has a mustache. And you know what, that's not beautiful. That's just retarded.
U really should e-mail this to every horny 13 year-old in the nation
You go GIRL - wow do I ever agree!! but don't forget how we had to fight to just VOTE - we had to fight for Equal wages. We had to fight to get credit for our intellengence - fight to go to college and become something other than a teacher or nurse. We have fought for our rights - and now we have idiots that are mocking everything the American Woman has become and fought for. I will never forget a friend that came by to see me in a really fancy car - she was a lawyer and single - when I commented on the car she simply and matter of factly said - "you don't need a man for things like this".
Another thing is I am a teacher - I make a difference everyday to public school children - I am not what the American "SYSTEM" would label as BEAUTIFUL! on the outside. But I am what Jesus would want on the inside - I AM A CHRISTIAN AND I LOOK AT PEOPLE FOR WHO THEY ARE AND NOT WHAT THEY WEAR OR HOW MUCH MAKEUP OR FAKE THINGS - I LOOK AT THEIR HEARTS.
And I will do anything to help my students suceed in what they want.
Keep on writing Candide - I'm with you 100%.
AMEN - I love reading your blogs because you seem to say what every girl and woman in America has on her mind!
H... wait Candide. You are aweseome. Its so true. I mean look at the girls around us today. They are in two categories. Those with enough brains to know that being beautiful is a foolish and those who still think that all they have is their body. Well, if their body is all they can rely on, sooner or later they are going to get wrinkles, fat, glasses and gray hair. Someone who fails to use their brain and only can concentrate on their body sure is headed for a dismal life...
This is just for Chris. The ones who are intelligent enough to know that being beautiful is pointless? To hell with that! The ones who are "intelligent enough" are the ones who are beautiful! It's the bloody, dim-witted fools who think they are beautiful who give the rest of 'em the bad name. Superimposed stereotypes is no excuse. Ugliness, or a lack of better judgement and character, is.
To Donald.
I feel that I didn't express myself clear enough in my original comment. By saying "being beautiful is foolish..." I meant that the "intelligent" person has realized that beauty on the outside is not everything. True beauty is on the inside and that is what counts the most. Thus, my comment was to imply that the intelligent girl has long ago came to the realization that looking fashionable is not everything. What counts is the charitable deed, knowledge, and the guts to stand up for what is right. Thus, beauty that one must cast away is the one that lies merely skin deep (once again i use that as a metaphorical sense. I am not criticizing individuals who are beautiful, I am just saying that the beauty that one focuses on should be on the inside).
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